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The old c wing 9:47 Mon Oct 7
Obese People
Are any of you one?

This guy has just started in the office. He must be about 30 stone, can barely move his arms and sweats profusely. He is apparently on a diet and has lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks.

I am predicting that in spite of this, it will not end in success and is more than likely bullshit. He breaks out a salad for lunch and I have no doubt he stores his supply of carbs in the car.

Anyway, my gripe isnt with them, its the fucking lying.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Mike Oxsaw 9:10 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Being fat proves (PROVES) that you are wealthy enough to eat as much as you want, whenever you want and have slaves to do all your medial physical work, innit?

Hey! Fatty Bumbum, sweet sugar dumpling...

Darlo Debs 9:08 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Just had to.look.up
what adiposity meant.

BRANDED 9:04 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Brits are fat fat fat fat fat.

Live their calorie intake more than their racism.

Chigwell 9:01 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
I've just been in Arizona where the diet is calorific to say the least. There are a lot of fat people out there, but on return to the UK I think that we can match them for adiposity.

Darlo Debs 7:44 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
It is fact that if you are drinking more than the safe limit for it to.process you'll be doing harm.therefore disrespecting your body and if those thousand calories are made up.of shit sugar laden foods then you are equally disrespecting your body.

mashed in maryland 7:41 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Just to finish, most people could very likely drink 6 pints of lager across 7 days, every week of the year, and so long as they're keeping relatively active and eating well, not do themselves any long term harm whatsoever.

Becoming obese takes years of constant overindulgence and neglect and whats more is very visible thus if you're on the way there you have no real excuse to not recognise the damage you're doing.

Bowling into this thread waving your arms around saying there's some massive hypocrisy in indulging in a drink once in a while and being otherwise healthy and criticising people who make the choice to be obese, is fucking retarded.

That's as politely as I can put it.

mashed in maryland 7:34 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Darlo Debs 7:07 Wed Oct 9

"Please explain to me why you keep side stepping the fact that this is disrespecting your body in the same way that an obese person might be in eating a thousand calories a week.above his recommended limit."

It's not a "fact", and I'm not "sidestepping" anything, I'm repeating back to you what you're saying and explaining, in as simple words as I can, why it's a dumb thing to say.

FWIW you very likely won't get obese from eating a thousand calories "extra" a week unless you live an extremely sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle. So that's more evidence you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 7:30 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
The point is that exercise raises the metabolic rate.

Darlo Debs 7:19 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
plucked a thousand out of thin air.

The point of a slow metabolism.is that even when they do.exercise it takes longer to burn off calories isn't it?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 7:11 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
If you eat a thousand calories a week over your limit you would quite soon be doing a Mr Creosote.

Also, it's funny how all those fat bastards who claim to only be overweight because they have slow metabolisms never do any exercise, isn't it?

Darlo Debs 7:07 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
I said above that limit not on it So even if you were accepting that as the limit and had a few units a week.above it you could be doing damage. Please explain to me why you keep side stepping the fact that this is disrespecting your body in the same way that an obese person might be in eating a thousand calories a week.above his recommended limit.

A regular or binge drinker will be likely drinking comfortably over 14 units a week.

mashed in maryland 6:55 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Its an unanswerable question for anyone who doesn't believe that 6 pints of lager across 7 days is "set" (as you put it) as the safe limit and is therefore "like for like" with obesity. Ie; almost everyone.

Darlo Debs 6:44 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
its only an unanswerable question for someone who can't grasp the fact that putting poison into.their body at a higher level.than it can safely process it, is being disrespectful of their liver, kidneys and heart (due to.rise in blood pressure)

mashed in maryland 6:31 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Its an unanswerable question as it implies that drinking 6 pints of lager across 7 days is "like for like" with being obese.

If you genuinely fail to process this then that's not my problem.

Darlo Debs 6:25 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
How am i?. I was using UK.guidelines and am.comparing like with like..If we take those for arguments sake then drinking above them is probably doing you damage. Please tell.me where is the respect for your body in that? A question you repeatedly fail to.answer.

mashed in maryland 6:08 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Darlo Debs 3:59 Wed Oct 9

You said that anyone who drinks more than 6 pints of lager across 7 days who criticses obese people is a hypocrite. Why is it every time I repeat your own argument back to you, you get all defensive and try and move the goalposts?

Darlo Debs 5:02 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Shut it Orwell

orwells tragedy 4:57 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Darlo Debs 4:55 Wed Oct 9

Oh yeah, always someone else's fault.....

Darlo Debs 4:55 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
pickle not sure how that happened tbh. I didn't type in all.those full.stops

Pickle Rick 4:45 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Darlo Debs 3:59 Wed Oct 9

Whats with the questionable grammar when you post? are you using your phone, you seem to put 2 full stops in the middle of a sentence followed by an actual full stop.

"Not everyone who is obese is .morbidly obese..Also.it"

Darlo Debs 4:33 Wed Oct 9
Re: Obese People
Hermit you are correct i to.a point n food directed generally but labelling for stuff marketed to kids isn't as clear as labelling for food marketed to.adults. Munch bunch yoghurt for example are packed with sugar but the labelling is focussed on what proportion of sugar is appropriate for an adults daily intake..

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